SDG&E Customers to Receive Texts Wednesday in Emergency Alert Test

Text alert
An example of an SDG&E text alert. Courtesy of the utility

San Diego Gas & Electric will conduct a test of its public notification system on Wednesday.

Between 10:30 a.m. and noon, about 1.1 million residential and business customers will receive a test text message from SDG&E, Communications Manager Candace Hadley said.

The message will come from one of the following numbers: 67283, 226787, 78015 or 77295.

Also, 300,000 customers will receive a test phone call and voice message, Hadley said.

This is the second test this year of the electric and gas utility’s notification system. The first was conducted on June 1.

City News Service contributed to this article.

Originally posted 2023-10-18 16:20:10.